Welcome 歡迎您
Our mission 我們的使命:
- Help school and our students obtain more resources.
- Help first generation parents build up a communication channel with the school.
- Problem solving on any and on-campus issues.
- Parent network connection
- Up-to-date event announcement
- Mini-grant to all our teachers for project development
- Equipment / field trip sponsorship to our Band and Orchestra
2024-2025年度,CAPA線下月會時間安排 (Monthly In Person Meeting Schedule)
9/06/24,10/4/24, 11/1/24, 12/6/24, 1/10/25, 2/7/25, 3/7/25, 4/4/25, 5/2/25
週五上午8:30-10:30點,月會時間提前發到CAPA 微信群中,歡迎會員參加!
Friday 8:30-10:30AM. The reminder of meeting will be posted in CAPA WeChat group. Welcome members join us!
Thanks To Our Sponsors感謝贊助商:
會員申請:請將支票與申請表一同放在信封裡, 投入位於學校正門辦公廳櫃檯後面的CAPA信箱。
Please attach your check with the form in the envelope dropping to our CAPA mailbox in the front office.
Please attach your check with the form in the envelope dropping to our CAPA mailbox in the front office.